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Are Some Kids Born Smart? Or Do They Become Smart?

By December 23rd, 2020Child Development Milestones1 min read

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Are some kids born smart? Or do they become smart? Is there anything parents and teachers can do to help kids become more intelligent or use their intelligence more productively?

Carol Dweck’s work on mindsets is part of a transformation in progress concerning how people understand giftedness, and how gifted education is delivered. In this article published in the Growth Mindset Blog, we think about some of the myths that are being challenged by recent findings on mindsets and intelligence:


Nikhil M

A geek and perpetual learner exploring how emergent technologies and innovative ideas shape our world. Co-founder of Culture Club Preschool, Gympreneur at The Little Gym Guwahati, and passionate about education, parenting, and personal growth. Writing to inspire curiosity and spark meaningful conversations.

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