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About Culture Club

Discover What Kick Started The Idea of CC

A parent’s dream of “better”

As parents, we strive to provide our children with the finest tools available, and the most remarkable discoveries often arise once we embrace the duties of motherhood. We stumbled upon this realization during our quest for a nurturing beginning to our daughter’s educational journey. In 2012, no other preschool brand captivated our hearts quite like Culture Club, especially when measured against the benchmarks set by Western society. Our deep yearning for a brighter future for our own kids and the generations to come compelled us to establish Culture Club.

Silky & Nikhil – Founders at Culture Club

CC’s Story

The incredible achievements we have made in the past ten years stand as a testament to the dedicated individuals who make up our team. Countless individuals have played a vital role in transforming CC into a cutting-edge educational pioneer, pouring their hearts and souls into this noble cause.

Our success is driven by the immense joy and fulfillment we experience through the act of teaching. The feelings evoked by this noble task are unparalleled, providing us with a sense of wonderment as we witness the remarkable growth of even the tiniest children.

As we reflect upon our journey, we cannot help but celebrate the significant milestones we have reached, which we will now proudly showcase.

Our Journey so Far

We started our 1st school at Zoo Road, now our Head Office.
We formally started our first activity session.
We received rave reviews & mentions in the media for our outstanding work.
Launched 'The Little Gym'
Silky Mozika | Nikhil Mozika | Founders

What matters to us & what we do?

Education is an integral aspect of existence. We wholeheartedly affirm that our children ought to seize every educational chance that comes their way, contributing to the advancement of our magnificent nation. We genuinely believe that a solid educational bedrock is the sole path to uplift the soul of our beloved country.

What We Do
  • Content Management
  • Class Observation
  • Child Observation
  • Content Innovation
  • Parent Counselling
  • Teacher Training
  • Brain Storming
  • Team Growth
Our Social Profiles

To foresee what lies ahead, we must first understand our past. At CC, we carefully design our approach to imparting knowledge, blending the traditional methods of schooling with the modern concept of learning through play. This ensures that our children find the right path for their education. Our comprehensive curriculum not only nurtures their emotional well-being but also stimulates their untapped intellectual potential.

We strongly believe that education in our country requires both improvement and innovation, and technology holds the key to a brighter future for our children. Nevertheless, we also hold firm to the foundational principles of education and are dedicated to maintaining a harmonious learning environment in our classrooms.

Our goal is both simple and monumental. We aim for our students to become fearless pioneers, daring thinkers who challenge every societal limit. We want them to embrace knowledge as an integral part of their lives—a force that empowers them to surpass conventional boundaries. With knowledge, they will possess the ability to envision the impossible and transform it into reality. This empowerment will enable them to make bold choices, opening doors to a world brimming with opportunities. A brilliant mind coupled with unwavering determination is impervious to the notion of impossibility.

Our mission is to equip young minds with boundless knowledge, enabling them to make life-altering decisions while fostering a commitment to do good in this world. When we reflect upon our achievements in the future, we believe there is no greater fulfillment than this.

According to surveys, our country ranks 92 among 145 countries in Education. Should we worry?

We should, for our future depends on it. We at CC want to change education & this is our humble effort to change how our children approach education. Through our research-driven approach & incorporating multiple disciplines

of learning, we are trying to move an inch closer to becoming a place where the real meaning of education is “LEARNed”

Our Awards & Accolades.

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